Naturopathy for Better Health

Call Tony Koufos today and find out how Naturopathy can improve your health!
630 637 8403 or email us at
Before we begin, I'd like to share some facts about myself... "I am a Naturopathic Doctor certified in Reflexology and Iridology. I can help you feel your best through natural means."
I have been active in natural health for over 40 years. Initially educated as an Naturopathic Doctor in the Original Ingham Method of Reflexology, I was also a Founding member of the Illinois Reflexology Association. My other fields of interest include iridology, hair analysis and extensive herbology which are all natural health modalities.
I believe that through Naturopathy and other natural health sciences, therapies and nutrition one can help relieve some of the "dis-ease" created by today's fast-paced, stress-filled lifestyles and can help our bodies and organs re-establish their natural, healthy equilibrium - the state of "ease."
Now come join me as I give a brief description of some of the alternative health approach and procedures I believe can help you most. And please, feel free to contact me at 630-637-8403 with any questions you might have or to request services.
Whole Food Nutrition - just as nature intended.
Together, Path to Natural Health and Standard Process are changing lives.
Natures Sunshine
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Call for more information 630 637 8403